Tax Preparation
Below is a list of the tax preparation services that A2Z Tax & Financials currently offers. If the service that you are interested in doesn’t appear below, please give us a call to discuss.
- Individual Income Taxes
- Small Business Tax Return
- Corporate & LLC Tax Returns
- Estate Tax Returns
- Gift Tax Returns
- Not for Profit Business Tax Returns
- Self Employed Tax Returns
- Same-Sex Married Couples Tax Returns
- Tax Identification Number Application
- Non-Resident Tax Return
- State Tax Returns; All Applicable U.S. States
- Fund transfer from other country
- Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts for Individuals and Businesses
- And Much More!

Tax Planning
Minimizing your tax liability begins with a professionally prepare tax plan. Your tax plan, however, is not a document to be put away and never looked at. Rather, it is dynamic and should be reviewed and updated on a regular, scheduled basis. We believe that tax preparation and planning is an ongoing process, not just once a year. Your personal or business financial situation may change regularly, and tax laws are always changing, requiring periodic adjustments to your tax plan. We offer tax guidance for the accumulation of personal wealth and its transmittal to family members and beneficiaries during their lifetimes, and through the administration of estates. The successful approach to individual tax and estate planning requires highly trained and experienced tax professionals who are familiar with aspects of a client’s business, his/her family and objectives, individual taxation, and estate planning. We look at the big picture, and then create estate plans and strategic income tax plans which take into account your situation.

Sales Tax Services
Many of our clients are responsible for collecting and submitting sales taxes in many different vicinities. We can assist your company in obtaining the seller tax permit and in the compilation of information and preparation of sales tax returns in an efficient and timely manner.
Maximize Your Savings: Tax Deductions for Small Businesses by A2Z Tax & Financials
Navigating the complexities of tax deductions can significantly benefit small businesses, and A2Z Tax & Financials is dedicated to helping you maximize your savings. Understanding and utilizing available tax deductions can lower your taxable income, ultimately reducing the amount you owe. Key deductions include expenses related to home office use, business-related travel, and meals. Costs for office supplies, equipment, and software are also deductible, as well as employee salaries, benefits, and contractor payments. Even utilities, internet, and phone expenses tied to your business operations can be claimed. At A2Z Tax & Financials, our expert team stays up-to-date with the latest tax laws and regulations to ensure you take full advantage of every eligible deduction. Let us guide you through the process, providing tailored advice and comprehensive support to optimize your tax strategy and boost your financial health.
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